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Best Western Hotel Vrigstad


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From Norr/ Jönköping = 55 km
Drive the E4 south from Jönköping towards Helsingborg.
After 10 km on the E4, turn off towards Växjö/Ronneby väg 30.
After about 35 km you will arrive in Vrigstad.
Best Western Vrigstad is on the right side along the road just before the church, a large red building.
From Norr / Eksjö-Nässjö = 55 km
Drive road 128 to Sävsjö.
Turn right at the Shell petrol station road 127.
Continue 12 km to Vrigstad.
Turn right towards Jönköping at the STOP at the Vrigstad intersection.
Best Western Hotel Vrigstad is located after 400 meters on the left just after the church, a large red building.
From Öster / Vetlanda = 40 km
Drive road 127 towards Värnamo through Sävsjö to Vrigstad. Turn right towards Jönköping at the STOP at the Vrigstad intersection. Best Western Hotel Vrigstad is located after 400 meters on the left just after the church, a large red building.
From Söder / Växjö = 60 km
Drive road 30 towards Jönköping. After 60 km you will reach Vrigstad. Best Western Hotel Vrigstad is located along road 30 on the left just after the church, a large red building.
From Väster / Värnamo = 35 km
Drive road 127 towards Vetlanda. After 35 km you will reach Vrigstad. Best Western Hotel Vrigstad is on the right side along the road just before the church, a large red building.
Kyrkogatan 2
576 97 Vrigstad
Phone: 0382-57 50 00
BWH(SM) hotels are independently owned and operated. ©2025 Best Western International, Inc.